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Monday, 11 August 2014

Anak-Anak Punya Cite

Seorang kakak lihat diri ni sentiasa gembira and asking what make me happy...my answer very simple everytime people asked me the same question...
I love motherhood...I love educate my children.. I love when we can solat and baca alquran or yassin dan sedekah kan pada papa diaorang aka my missing hubby..I love hafal surah-surah pendek with my children..I love chit chat cite pasal tah apa-apa dengan my children..i love everything about them.. 

Everyday is a new day..Everyday is good day..Everyday is happy day when i'm with them.. What i do every day with them..YANG WAJIB SETIAP HARI IALAH BELAJAR...macam-macam cara-cara and style belajar..kadang-kadang nak gelak pun ada..hehehehe...

Takpe..macam mana pun anak, they're mine  ...

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